By Elizabeth GodsmarkAtlantic Publishing
Part 3 of 7: Securing Purchasing Procedures
A Good Purchasing Security System Can Save You Big Bucks
Build security into your purchasing procedures. The choiceof security system, however, depends a lot upon the size of your operation. If you are the "head cook and bottle washer" of a small establishment, security is a much simpler issue. If, however, you are part of a larger enterprise where a number of personnel are involved in purchasing, then security becomes a major concern. If this is your lot, give the following issues serious consideration:
- Set up a reliable purchasing control system. Whether your chosen system is manually operated or computerized, it must be free from loopholes.
- Beware of bogus documentation. Make sure that routine purchasing procedures are accurately documented from start to finish. Attention to detail in this area will help alert you to breaches of security. Be constantly on the lookout for
calculation "errors," deliberate duplication, "incorrect" invoices and bogus credit requests. These are all common ploys used by unscrupulous purchasers and vendors.
- Beware of the possibility of kickbacks. Some buyers have been known to "work" with suppliers in return for benefits such as money or gifts. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. Such "practiced" buyers and sellers are often masters of disguise, so don't be green, be keen!
- Beware of purchaser theft. This can take several forms. Purchasers may order merchandise for their own personal use or they may buy wholesale with the intent to "selling on." A carefully designed purchasing system will take care of most of these problems.