Liquor Inventory Experts

Bartending School: 10 Questions for Aspiring Bartenders

bartender san francisco 800 resized 600Becoming a Bartender

We all have one point seen ourselves behind the bar slinging drinks like Tom did in his famous movie role. But before we do, there are few things we must consider:

  1. Are we ready to give up our weekends?
  2. Is working late hours something we are comfortable with?
  3. Are we what we call a “people person”?
  4. Can we take orders and remain calm under pressure?
  5. Do we deal with patrons that could become rude and rowdy?

Bartending can be a very lucrative and reward career. For others, it can be a simple sideline job while in school. Whatever it may be, bartending does require certain skills that can be taught in bartending schools and experienced in the line of fire.

A professional bartender understands both the needs of the clients and what is required to become effective during service. A bartender’s quick check list:

  1. Is my liquor inventory up to par?
  2. Is my beer inventory properly stocked?
  3. Are my fruits and condiments prepared?
  4. Do I have enough ice?
  5. Does my till have enough change? 

A bartender knows what can be called the “golden hours” at which point all they do is take orders and serve drinks. To maximize the full potential, preparation is key.

Topics: Bar inventory, Bar staff, bartending schools, Bar Management, Liquor cost, hospitality jobs, Control

Benifits of Bartending Schools

Bartending School

describe the image

An important part of any hospitality environment is the personnel they hire. Hospitality operators at times struggle to find the right people. In regards to hiring the right people for your bar, you may consider giving extra attention to a resume that does include a bartending school certificate or recognition.

Bartending schools are designed to teach people how to serve at the bar. They follow all the theories pertaining to the industry and then will add their personal experiences which they have lived.

 Why consider a certified bartender:

  1. Knowledge of recipes
  2. Methodology of makes drinks is taught: beers, wines and cocktails
  3. Proper service techniques
  4. Importance of liquor inventory management
  5. Enhanced customer relation

It is also a good idea to call the bartending school as both a reference in regards to the employee you are considering, but also a way to create a relationship with the school for future staffing needs.

Education is gold and your “liquid” assets sales will only benefit from it. 

Topics: Bar staff, Hotel Inventory, bartending schools, free pour, profit, Bar Management, Liquor cost, hospitality jobs

Liquor Cost: What you need to know

Liquor Cost                                      

Liquor CostMany hospitality operators want to know what their liquor cost is. Many times, we simply divide the cost of goods sold by the revenues to come up with a liquor cost percentage. Often, this number is inaccurate or to late in the cycle to take corrective actions.

Here are the steps and key elements needed for a proper liquor cost percentage.

  1. What is the opening liquor inventory value of full and partial bottles throughout the period?
  2. What is the closing liquor inventory value of full and partial bottles throughout the period?
  3. What are the registered liquor sales for the specific period
  4. We then divide the cost of goods sold by the sales to come up to a percentage.

The variables you must consider:

  1. Are the costs of my liquor products updated?
  2. Is the actual physical inventory of my liquor bottles accurate?
  3. Are my sales strictly liquor; no wine or beer

If you answered yes to all three, then this will be your actual liquor cost. 

How does this liquor cost compare to where you actually should be?

Please read our blog on Alcohol Inventory Cost vs Pricing

Topics: managing liquor inventory cost, Liquor cost, controling costs